How To Make a Difference

Seth Godin's book "Poke the Box" is an incredible example of the literature of real business. The book was written with the intention of explaining how the meter box, or continue in business in the midst of failure and rejection is a must for all entrepreneurs today. To make a difference is to fail many times before succeeding.

People fear failure. I always tell my friends that the company has become my first charge as a career option, I have the mocking response that the company is "dangerous" and "subject to successful ever." People think that the choice of the company to have been used is the paved road risk and should be avoided at all costs.

And maybe people are right; company is indeed a difficult path to walk. Many people have tried to start something and failed miserably. The problem is, however, not to fail, not able to get up and try again, trying until something works. The fact that many people never succeed as an entrepreneur does not mean you have to follow the same thinking. The failure will always be there, consider and embraced. After all, without commercial success began after the first attempt.

We have not learned to start with ourselves, instead we repeat what has already been done before us and try to perfect the art of following the status quo. This is the mood you are indoctrinated in our society today. Children are told to follow the rules, study formulas, and perform well on tests. They have learned to adapt and learn to be an obedient disciple initiator becomes a leader.

No choice but to "meter box" as Seth Godin puts it clearly. Boosting picture is keep trying, keep up after being knocked down, accept the reality that failure is painful evidence tries, is still better than nothing must be taken into Seth Godin's book ..:

Most importantly, start trying to undertake. Exit and turn their ideas into reality.

Understand that failure is part of climbing the ladder of success. Embrace failure.

Identify your fear of risk and familiarize yourself with it. The helps to control the desire to succeed.
Drilling into the unknown beast with a stick. Experiment with new marketing strategies. Try again, and you can often fail, but eventually something sticks. Go do what you've always wanted to do. This is the hardest part: to go, to do, to start making.